Energy of happiness is drained and the energy of connection is blocked. This happens sometimes because of the drugs used in hospital births. The onset is due mainly to an interruption in bonding process interrupted and premature umbilical disconnection. The umbilical connection to placenta remains active for 2-3 days after birth.
The baby is still dependent upon this blood/nutrient source. Bonding is interrupted when the child is not placed where they can hear their mother’s heart beat immediately after the birthing process and expression and connection are further imbalanced. Protection only comes after much infusion of this energy between the mother and the baby. Acknowledgment and responsibility are blocked. Energy of truth is blocked. The baby feels unimportant to the mother, and the mother senses this and isn’t sure how to communicate her love.
Overcome Postpartum Depression by learning how to clear your energy blocks and limiting beliefs by generating love with Incan Shamanism and Energy Medicine (The Inca Way). Learn to heal yourself through self-love by accepting and remembering who you are and your pure potential by Co-Creating with beings of light and love to support you in your life’s journey. Working as a team with guides from the 5th dimension, you will become a multi-dimensional creator of love.
Inca Cross Energy
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